
I’m working on a collection of full-length short stories (each story will be around 7500 words). The central theme will be normal, every day citizens who are dealing with some sort of chaotic situation or event –possibly of their own making– and how it all unfolds.

So What’s Barrington?

Barrington is a fictional city in the Southeastern region of the United States. All of the characters in my collection of stories, and most likely all of my characters going forward, will be residents of the Metropolitan area of Barrington.

This means they might run into each other at some point, or you may recognize a city, landmark, or business that shows up in more than one story. For example, if you’ve read Lies That Bind, you may remember that Greg works in Downtown Barrington, but lives in the suburbs outside of the city.

Why do this?

It’s a fun way to tie multiple characters and stories into the same world, but not be bound by the limits of a real, established location. If you stick around and follow my work, I hope it’s something you’ll enjoy. As always, I look forward to hearing your feedback!

© 2020 S.M. Grady – Scattered Thoughtz, LLC

-S.M. Grady

2 comments on “Barrington

  1. I think it’s a great idea and so many directions you can go in if they cross paths! xo

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